Vitality task force talks downtown improvement ideas


WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE — The Downtown Vitality Task Force committee meeting was held on Tuesday to discuss the various items related to improving the downtown area.

The first item presented was a report from city code enforcement officer Ricky Brown regarding buildings in the downtown area designated “in violation of city ordinance” — mainly vacant buildings with broken windows. Brown said he had been in contact with most of the owners of the properties in question regarding replacing the broken windows as opposed to boarding them up.

Assistant Fire Chief Jody Langley did a walk-thru of the old First Federal Bank building, due to an open rear door where the building had been accessed by unknown persons. The building was re-secured for safety. The owner of the property, who lives in Israel, is reportedly coming to Washington Court House soon to investigate the possibility of selling the property.

City Economic Development Director Chelsie Baker discussed an update to the city officials’ visit to Bellefontaine and a partnership with “Small Nation,” located there. Community revitalization expert Jason Duff, founder of Small Nation, is dedicated to helping small towns and entrepreneurs achieve success in business. Small Nation will visit Washington Court House in July to take a strategy tour to give officials ideas to revitalize the community.

The Vitality Task Force discussed developing a closer working relationship with Main Street Fayette, the Fayette County Chamber of Commerce, and how to make downtown more attractive to potential business owners. They want to encourage more downtown events, festivals and concerts.

It was noted that the business owner, Tom Thompson, of Eatly, an Italian restaurant in Springfield, has expressed an interest in opening a second location and they are exploring real estate opportunities in town.

The city will also be exploring the possibility of applying for more grants that are available to improve downtown areas with state and federal monies.