Blanchester wins DH with Lady Lions


BLANCHESTER — The Washington Lady Lion varsity softball team played a doubleheader at Blanchester High School against the Lady Wildcats Saturday, April 23.

Blanchester won the first game, 4-3 and took the second, 11-7.

In the first game, for Washington, Makenna Knisley started and pitched six innings, taking the loss.

She allowed seven hits and four runs (two earned) with seven strikeouts and four walks.

Washington committed four errors in the game.

B. Dawley started and pitched five innings for Blanchester, with eight hits, two unearned runs, five strikeouts and three walks.

Mueller pitched the final two innings to gain the win. She allowed four hits and one unearned run with no walks and two strikeouts.

Blanchester scored one run in the first inning, countered by two runs from Washington in the second inning.

Blanchester took the lead back with two runs in the bottom of the sixth.

Washington tied the game in the top of the seventh and Blanchester won it with a run in the bottom of the seventh.

At the plate, Makenna Knisley was 2 for 4 with a double.

Haven McGraw went 2 for 4 with two runs scored; Mallori Tucker was 2 for 4; Kalana Smith went 1 for 4 with one RBI; Kassidy Olsson, Meredith Pabst and Kassidy Hoppes each had one hit.

Lilly Shaw had one hit and scored a run and Madison Haithcock had one hit and one RBI.

Peters went 3 for 4 for Blanchester with a double and a triple.

Game One


W 020 000 1 — 3 12 4

B 100 002 1 — 4 7 1

In the second game, Mueller and Stanforth combined for Blanchester for the pitching victory.

Mueller started and pitched 4.2 innings with eight hits and five runs (all earned). She struck out five and walked one.

Stanforth pitched 2.1 innings with four hits, two runs (both earned), and two strikeouts.

Madison Haithcock started and took the loss for Washington. She pitched 5.1 innings with 16 hits, eight runs (six earned) and two strikeouts.

Kalana Smith pitched two-thirds of an inning with four hits three earned runs, one walk and one strikeout.

Blanchester took a 1-0 lead in the bottom of the second inning.

Washington scored two runs in the top of the fourth, while Blanchester reciprocated with a pair of runs in the bottom of the fourth.

Washington responded with three runs in the fifth to take a 5-3 lead.

Blanchester scored eight runs in the sixth and Washington finished in the top of the seventh with two runs.

Kassidy Olsson went 3 for 4 for Washington with three runs scored.

Meredith Pabst was 3 for 4 with two RBI and two runs scored.

Lilly Shaw went 2 for 4 with two RBI; Haven McGraw was 2 for 4 with a double and one RBI; Makenna Knisley was 1 for 3 with a double and one RBI and Tristan Hammock had one hit and scored two runs.

Stanforth led Blanchester in the second game, going 4 for 4 with two RBI and one run scored. Potts had three hits, two RBI and one run scored; Mueller, Dawley, Peters, Davenport and Caldwell each had two hits for Blanchester.

Washington (7-6 overall) was scheduled to host Hillsboro Monday, April 25 and then travel to Unioto for a non-conference game Tuesday at 5 p.m.

Game two


W 000 230 2 — 7 12 2

B 010 208 x — 11 20 0

By Chris Hoppes

[email protected]